Sexual suicide


head pounded to the ground, the constant re-establishment of my existence,

thinning between the moments of hand and head touching to collide to floor,

a stranger’s hand makes love to my neck, draws the rope around its circumference and pulls,

a stranger’s hand swings my body into position, ready for the fall, a honest leap of faith,

the time gathers the trail of dust it has left behind for me to notice how it did not wait,

a stranger’s face blurs as glossy water washes over my eyes, i try, a glance, just a sneak peak,

a stranger’s surface, beauty is her skin, glows as the sun smiles upon it,

but rough is her hands, palms harsh to touch, the struggle has left its mark,

angled correctly, we are mirror to image, the moment connects the gloom of her to me,

i trap a stranger’s sight and there is, she and i,



i trap a stranger’s sight and there is, she and i,

angled correctly, we are mirror to image, the moment connects the gloom of her to me,

but rough is her hands, palms harsh to touch, the struggle has left its mark,

a stranger’s surface, beauty is her skin, glows as the sun smiles upon it,

a stranger’s face blurs as glossy water washes over my eyes, i try, a glance, just a sneak peak,

the time gathers the trail of dust it has left behind for me to notice how it did not wait,

a stranger’s hand swings my body into position, ready for the fall, a honest leap of faith,

a stranger’s hand makes love to my neck, draws the rope around its circumference and pulls,

head pounded to the ground, the constant re-establishment of my existence,

thinning between the moments of hand and head touching to collide to floor,

i see myself reach to take my own life…

… in all of it, there’s a picture perfect moment


4 Comments Add yours

  1. Angel says:




  2. Michael Wizeye says:

    So clever n intelligently written.


    1. Thank you so much


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